A Thanksgiving Prayer

A Thanksgiving Prayer

On this day of enormous gratitude and joy for the wonderful things in our lives, our church family at Peace Missionary Baptist thinks it is important to pause and pray for those who are experiencing adversity and sorrow.

Dear God,

We come with grateful hearts for all your blessings. We thank you, not just for this food on our table and being together, but for ALL our blessings that we so often take for granted. You are the source of all good things. We are thankful for not only providing for our needs, but in giving us Yourself.

This day also brings sadness to some because of grief and confusion over the loss of loved ones. We know that sorrow and death were never a part of your original plan and we also know that you can use challenges and difficulties to draw us closer to You and each other. We pray for Your peace and comfort while we also thank You for the time we had and have with those we love. Teach us to savor the moments with family and friends and to look forward to our eternity together with You. Thank you always revealing Your goodness even in the most difficult of times when we come to you with gratitude.

We acknowledge that we are richly blessed. We praise You in advance for your love, peace and healing in our own lives and in our country.

In Jesus name we pray.


We are so very grateful for each one of you who spend time with us to fellowship, participate in community initiatives and support our mission of God’s word. Happy Thanksgiving!